
Diferent vagina shapes
Diferent vagina shapes

diferent vagina shapes

It interacts with over 15,000 nerve endings throughout the whole pelvic area. The clitoris - which in full, internal and external, is nearly about the same size as the penis - is usually the most sensitive area of, and involved in the most sensitive areas of, the vulva and vagina. If you pull up the hood with your fingers, you can get a closer look if you like. That hood connects to the glans, which is the tip - and only the tip - of the clitoris ( klit-or-iss).

diferent vagina shapes


Looking at the vestibule, between those inner labia from the top down (right below your mons), you'll first see the top of the inner labia, which create a little skin fold called the clitoral hood. Or, if you want some other views of the vulva, you can take a look at Betty Dodson's - rest her incredible soul - illustrations on-site here. If you're in that group yourself, or know someone feeling that way, you might want to check this out: Give'em Some Lip: Labia That Clearly Ain't Minor. Some people have a lot of worries about their labia and the appearance of their vulva. The purpose of your inner labia is important they have sensory nerve endings which contribute to sexual pleasure and also keep icky bacteria away from what is called the vestibule. All of these variations are absolutely normal, as are the labia being two different sizes or shapes. The labia may be long and thick, or barely visible, and may look purple, red, pink, black or brown, depending on your own coloring. The size, length and color of the inner labia and other parts of the vulva differ from person to person. If you pull the outer labia open, you'll see the labia minora, which are not covered with hair, and look a bit like flower petals or small tongues. Your pubic hair usually, if you don't mess with it, cover the mons, will move downward, as will that fatty tissue, around your labia majora (lay-bee-ah)., which some people call "lips." Where the pubic hair is, below your belly button, is a fatty area of tissue (skin) called the mons (mahns). Some people learned to call the vulva the vagina instead. The vagina isn't actually part of the vulva, save its opening. The scientific name for these external genitals is the vulva (vuhl-vah). If you have some privacy, time, and it's right for you, you can get yourself a mirror and give yourself a guided tour of your body with this article as you read it. We just use those words to make things easiest for everyone around the world to understand. You also don't have to call them the scientific names they've been given unless you want to. There's no one single way all genitals look or even are put together, and not everyone with some of these parts will have all of them. Here's a starter scoop for many people whose bodies have what are most often called a vulva, vagina, labia, clitoris and/or uterus and other structures. Many things some people presume are problems with some kinds of sex or genital function or appearance are just realities of anatomy they didn't know.


A lot of questions about how to have sex, how to masturbate, and worries about all of what's all going on down below can be easily solved by simply getting to know what genitals and other reproductive organs are all about.

Diferent vagina shapes